Our Ministries @ Grace Church
The quality of our personal relationships and our commitment to one another are very important to God. Fellowship groups are important so that close relationships of friendship and accountability can develop within the ministry. We encourage you to visit often as we continue to develop an environment of total Christian discipleship, encouragement and growth.
Women's Ministries
More than ever, women's ministries are a very important fixture in any community. These groups provide a safe haven for women to strengthen their faith and gain important leadership skills. Women’s ministries provide people with an opportunity to meet and interact with other women in the congregation and the community.
In addition to Women's Bible Study and prayer groups, The Grace church's women's ministry also provides volunteers for the church and local charities, outreach to those in prison, and outreach to other women in the community who may not yet be a part of the Body of Christ.
Youth & Children's Ministry
Our goal at Grace is to help young people follow Christ with all of their life. We are not just trying to reach children & teens, we are also trying to shape them to look more like Jesus. This is not hype. We see this happen by leading teens to engage in worship, study God’s Word through relevant teaching, and process faith through small group led by adult mentors. Through study groups, events and activities our hope is to lead our youth & children to be followers of Jesus with all their life.
Men's Ministries
The Grace Church has a desire to create an environment that makes the Christian faith accessible to men, no matter what their level of education, family dynamic or availability.
We are working hard to equip the church with tools and resources that will make church a great place for your husbands, future husbands, brothers, sons and friends. Simple as that. We don’t want a church dominated by men or male characteristics nor do we want to make church a “men’s club”. Just a place where men can be gripped and excited by Jesus.
Relationship Ministries
God intended for the family to be the basic unit in society. A casual view of history reveals that as go marriages, so goes the family; as go families, so goes the community; as go communities, so goes the nation; as go nations, so goes civilization. Here at The Grace Church we believe in leading & feeding all of your relationships.
The Bible tells us that in the beginning God created the family. In His infinite wisdom He chose the family to serve as the cradle for personhood. In Deuteronomy 6, as well as in other biblical passages, it is clear that God designed the family as the crucible in which the reality of the person of the living God is to be both taught (through formal education) and caught (by the example of the parents’ lives).